Sudirwan Juhaimi

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30 Questions for Brand Reflection and Introspection

Running a business can sometimes get in the way of thinking about your business. It is essential to take the time and efforts to refocus our mind and think. Brand Introspection is a practice, and we ought to do it regularly, but not obsessively that it impedes our participation in the business operations. Introspection gives us a sense of clarity, and that will result in confidence when it comes to making decisions. 

There is a right and wrong way to conduct a brand introspection. It is easy to think we have come up with some profound insight in regards to our brand, but we are surprisingly good at explaining away irrationalities. Always take notes of insights and ideas during these introspection sessions and share them with your team. Test these ideas and develop them further. 

To stay on the right path refrain from asking "Why" questions and focus more on "What" questions. "Why" questions are meant to test assumptions, and those questions are best tackled during a strategy session, and not alone by yourself. Your goal is to open up your mind to the possibilities of your brand. "What" questions stir up curiosity for the future. 

Read through the following questions and take your time to answer them. The goal of this exercise is letting your mind wander. Revisit these questions whenever you feel you need to. Take notes of ideas and insights that come up during this session. 

  1. What makes my brand uniquely my brand?

  2. What do you love about your brand?

  3. What do I worry most about my brand?

  4. If this were the last day of my life, would I have the same plans for my brand today?

  5. When I think about my brand, what terrifies me?

  6. If not now, then when?

  7. Are there assumptions I am still holding onto that is limiting my brand?

  8. How can my brand make the world a better place?

  9. Is it essential for my brand to be famous?

  10. Which celebrity should endorse my brand?

  11. Does it matter how my competitor view my brand?

  12. If your business is to disappear today, who would be most affected by it?

  13. What surprised you the most about your brand?

  14. What is the biggest brand mistakes I have made?

  15. What do you wish others knew about your brand that only you know?

  16. If you were to have a conversation with your brand as if it were a person, what would you talk about?

  17. What words do you like to hear when others talk about your brand?

  18. Which is more important? Your customer? Your team? Your investors?

  19. When did I last push the boundaries of my comfort zone when it comes to my business or brand?

  20. What is the one thing I could do now that will double my revenue immediately?

  21. How do you think your brand will die?

  22. To what degree have I controlled the journey my brand took?

  23. When was the last time you took a customer's feedback and implemented it?

  24. Will your brand remain the same without you around?

  25. Other than yourself, who do you trust the most to run your brand?

  26. Knowing what you know now, will you start your brand any differently?

  27. Are you proud of your brand right now?

  28. What has your brand thought you about life in general?

  29. Do you think there is a difference between your perception and the public's perception of your brand? What is the difference?

  30. My brand is at its best when...

Keep in mind that brand introspection is a deeply private process, and you do not have to share your thoughts with anyone. They are for you to act as a business owner. 

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